If you are interested in becoming a Consultant member through the Black Professional Women website please complete the form below. There is a one time $50 membership fee to join after which all membership is lifetime. We no longer design websites, however we provide tools for doing it yourself. If you would like your own domain and need someone to design your website for you, Alpha Illustrations the creators of Black Professional Women website offers web hosting services that provides domains as well. As a member of Black Professional Women you will recieve a discount if you choose to allow Alpha Illustrations to design your website which also includes a free logo.
This form will re-direct allow you to pay your membership fee as a consultant. Consultants are listed in the directory on a first come first served basis. If you submit this form without paying your membership fee, you will not be listed in the Black Professional Women membership ditectory. Make sure all information is correct, to allow us to add you name to the relaunching of the .NET BPW Magazine directory in June 2017.